We bake dishes
현재 위치
Oct 14, 2021


1956년에 창간된 bon appétit은 고급 요리와 음식 문화를 다루는 프리미어 푸드 매거진입니다. 독창적인 레시피와 요리 기술을 소개하며, 미식가들에게 큰 사랑을 받고 있습니다.

Bon appétit, founded in 1956, is a premier food and entertainment magazine offering recipes, cooking techniques, and in-depth features on food culture. Known for its beautiful photography and engaging content, Bon Appétit inspires home cooks and food lovers with innovative recipes and expert advice.


7 Ceramic Dinnerware Sets That Will Make You Feel Fancy As Hell
Soil Baker

You can pluck gim bugak off Hye Rin Yang’s bowls and dishes at Atoboy in New York, or you can grab your own set from her exclusive collaboration with DTC cookware company Material. I’m especially fond of the shallow Open Bowl in Grotto, a dramatic dark glaze that shimmers like the night sky. Complete your dinner set with a full plate, half plate, and round bowl. Material x Soil Baker’s ceramics are lighter and more delicate than, say, East Fork’s or Heath’s heftier pieces, but they’re still durable enough for everyday use.

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