We bake dishes
현재 위치
Aug 24, 2021


2005년에 창간된 luxe INTERIORS + DESIGN은 고급 주거 디자인과 건축을 다루는 잡지입니다. 최신 트렌드와 뛰어난 디자이너들의 작품을 소개하며, 고급스러운 라이프스타일을 추구하는 독자들에게 인기를 끌고 있습니다.

Launched in 2005, luxe INTERIORS + DESIGN is a high-end magazine that celebrates luxury home design, architecture, and the professionals who bring these spaces to life. It features stunning photography and in-depth articles on the latest trends in luxury living, showcasing the work of top designers and architects.


Up Your Tabletop Game With These Understated Ceramics
When Eunice Byun and David Nguyen, co-founders of Material Kitchen, decided to add plates and bowls to their direct-to-consumer line of essential kitchen products, Seoul-based ceramicist Hye-Rin Yang of Soil Baker came to mind immediately. “We had admired Hye-Rin’s work in New York City restaurants,” recalls Byun. “So we simply reached out to her via email and luckily she responded right away.”

Each shape of the four-piece ceramics collection—which comes in two shades, Dune and Grotto—was hand-thrown by Yang on her potter’s wheel using clay with a custom blend of five types of natural Korean soil for a gently grained texture that changes in the light.

Luxe caught up with Byun to learn more about working with Yang and her new collection.

Tell us about the collaboration. We loved Soil Baker’s ability to bring elegance and high performance together. To us, one’s tabletop collection should feel multilayered and personal, almost collected.

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